BGW Strategic Partners
A Network of Kingdom Building Services
We know that it will take more than just architecture and construction to accomplish your ministry vision. Over the years, BGW has assembled a network of strategic partners that have become trusted advisors to our clients, helping them build momentum as they prepare for construction.
We have aligned with each of these companies because they share our heart for ministry and our mission to deliver the highest level of stewardship to churches and Christian schools.
Below is an overview of the services provided by each of our key strategic partners.

Construction Partners
The construction of BGW church and Christian school projects is delivered through a nationwide network of faith-based contractors that have a heart for serving Christian organizations. These builders have an in-depth understanding of the unique BGW approach to stewardship and ministry and they are uniquely qualified to come alongside your leadership team and support you in establishing a clear vision for the future.
Through a unique delivery model we call the Trinity Partnership, BGW Builders work closely with BGW Architects from the earliest stages of design, helping keep projects intact from a cost perspective as we launch ideas and explore solutions.
Learn MoreFunding Partners
Regardless of your ministry size and scope, there is almost always a gap between your resources and your God-inspired vision. We believe wholeheartedly that there is nothing that moves a church forward in faith more effectively than going before God, both collectively & individually, and trusting Him in bold faith through extravagant generosity. It is a supernatural journey that changes the way a pastor preaches. It changes the way a church interacts. It alters the lives of individuals to sacrificially release God’s resources.
BGW has aligned with Christian experts in the areas of capital campaigns and financing that have a track record of delivering successful results for churches and Christian schools.
Learn MoreA/V/L Partner
BGW is strategically aligned with Performance Technology Group (PTG), a Granbury, TX based company that provides a turn-key delivery process for audio, video and lighting for our clients nationally. The PTG team has consistently delivered cutting-edge worship technology for our clients with a focus on stewardship of ministry resources, a key element of the BGW program. Beginning with consultation and preliminary budgeting, PTG walks with ministries through design, installation, and side-by-side training. While A/V/L firms are typically brought on board later in the process after the architectural drawings are completed, the PTG team is integrated from the very earliest stages of design, working right alongside the BGW architecture team. This integrated team approach helps to address many of the challenges associated with the typical A/V/L design process, in which infrastructure requirements get overlooked in the early stages, leading to cost over-runs and delays at the end of a building project.
Learn MoreStrategic Planning Partners
Strategic planning is crucial to the success of any church or Christian school building project, ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned and working toward the same goal. It helps to define clear objectives, set realistic timelines, and allocate resources effectively. By thoroughly understanding the project’s scope, needs, and potential challenges, strategic planning minimizes risks, avoids costly delays, and ensures everyone involved—from architects to contractors and investors—collaborates efficiently.
BGW has aligned with trusted Christian consultants in strategic planning that can provide clarity and fresh perspective to get your team moving in the same direction.
Learn MoreEarly Childhood Education Partners
Church facilities have traditionally been among the most under-utilized buildings in America, sitting empty throughout most of the week. We believe that there are incredible opportunities to develop facilities that allow ministries to serve the needs of the local community, not just on Sundays, but 7 days a week, while creating an additional revenue stream for the ministry.
While there are a number of potentially viable business models that can be considered, early childhood education and pre-k centers have proven to be the most natural fit and to generate the best potential income for churches and Christian Schools. The integration of these early childhood education centers within church and school facilities has become a hallmark of BGW designs.
Learn MoreBranding & Awareness Partner
Whether you’re building a new facility or trying to expand your reach in the community through an existing building, it is important to incorporate aspects of your brand into the aesthetics of the facility to reinforce your values and create a desired experience or emotion for visitors. A branding and awareness campaign can help you establish your unique identity, clarify your mission, and also help uncover the broader needs of the community and the challenges that need to be solved. Maybe it’s time for a refresh to add more color, meaning and energy to how you introduce your ministry, or maybe you need to engage more curiosity and create more interest through brochures, social media, mass email and websites; or simply help new visitors within your community find you, engage with you and stick within your church.
Our strategic partner, SPROUT Consulting, works with ministry leaders as well as corporate executives to develop higher impact and growth through strategic branding and marketing. Founder Jason Manarchuck is an experienced growth strategist & branding consultant, serving clients from Wall Street to Main Street, including Fortune 500 companies, and consulting in 10 countries including Israel, the United Kingdom, Honduras, and Austria. Jason and his team are experts in helping ministries to align their facility design with their brand identity. Learn More