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If your facility is limiting your ministry growth and not allowing you to reach your full potential to impact your community for Christ, this seminar is for you! It is our hope that these sessions will empower your church or Christian school to meet your facility challenges with innovative, stewardship-driven solutions. Industry experts will share proven methods for reducing construction costs, closing the gap between your resources and your vision, fostering growth and financial sustainability, and creating a safe environment that inspires and nurtures!
Design & Construction
Planning a building project can be a challenging prospect for any organization today, much less a church or Christian school. High inflation and supply chain disruptions have contributed to an already fragmented construction process in which 78% of commercial projects finish over budget, 30% end in legal dispute and the average project finishes 70 days late. These sessions will uncover innovative strategies focused on delivering the highest level of stewardship, God-honoring relationships and intentional ministry focus.
Building God's Way... A Radically Different Approach to Design & Construction
Building God’s Way Principal Architect Don Mahoney shares about a unique approach to design & construction, developed exclusively for ministry organizations. Beginning with a highly collaborative and cost-effective 3-day conceptual design exercise and continuing through construction drawings and project completion, learn how this stewardship-based approach can significantly reduce both upfront building costs and long term maintenance and operation expenses.
Key Design Trends & Considerations for Church & Christian School Facilities
Building God’s Way Prinicpal Architect Don Mahoney shares some key shifts that have taken place in recent years with church and Christian school design, including innovations in building systems and materials, as well as growing trends to address rising costs, such as adaptive re-use, flexible / multi-use strategies, integration of financially sustainable models and more.
Aligning Your Facility Design with Your Brand Identity
Jason Manarchuck of Sprout Consulting shares how a branding and awareness campaign can help you establish your unique identity and clarify your mission, while uncovering the broader needs of the community and the challenges that need to be solved. Learn how essential data can be collected through Voice of the Customer Studies, team interviews, demographic research and more to develop an “empathic user identity” that will generate new ways to help your visitors take the next step of engagement: visit, attend, volunteer and more.
Regardless of your ministry size and scope, there is almost always a gap between your resources and your God-inspired vision. With so many options available for capital fundraising and financing, it can be difficult to know which direction is best to accomplish your goal. These sessions will give you the tools to better evaluate the wide range of lenders and capital campaign consultants in the market place today.
Accelerating Generosity to Fund Your God-Inspired Vision
Chris Stovall, Senior Generosity Strategist at Generis (A Strategic Partner of Building God’s Way), shares how he helps churches and schools to close the gap between resources and vision by creating a sustainable culture of generosity that can fund your vision for years to come.
Understanding Your Financing Options
Evaluating all the available borrowing options, from traditional bank loans and bond financing to non-profit church extension funds and more, can be overwhelming for any ministry leader. Whether you’re building a new facility, renovating an existing one, or simply looking to refinance your current loan, learn how an experienced Christian funding consultant can help you evaluate the myriad of borrowing options.
Facility Safety & Security
In recent years, the alarming rise of active shooter incidents at places of worship and schools has sent shockwaves through communities. This session will delve into the underlying factors contributing to these tragic incidents, focusing on how church leaders and school administrators can be better equipped to prevent and respond to unforeseen emergencies.
Preparing for the Unthinkable - Security Threat Assessments for Churches & Christian Schools
Certified Safety Instructor & Veteran Law Enforcement Officer, Jason Cann shares about the importance of proactive threat assessments, situational awareness, and crisis response planning. Participants will learn how to identify warning signs, implement effective safety protocols, and foster environments that prioritize the physical and psychological well-being of your members or students. Real-world case studies and expert insights will be used to explore innovative solutions, from developing security partnerships to building strong lines of communication with local law enforcement and mental health professionals.
Early Childhood Education Centers
Church facilities have traditionally been among the most under-utilized buildings in America, sitting empty throughout most of the week. In partnership with the Christian professionals at True North Kids, BGW is working with churches all across the country to design and effectively manage early childhood education centers that serve as vibrant hubs of spiritual growth, academic excellence, and community engagement, while generating additional revenue for the ministry.
Early Childhood Education... A Financially Sustainable Ministry Opportunity
From professional consulting and planning services to shared-revenue partnerships with leading providers, learn how the professional at True North Kids can help you navigate the journey of establishing exceptional childcare services in your facility.
Audio / Video & Lighting
In today’s churches, technology plays such a crucial role in creating a dynamic worship environment, fostering community engagement, and ensuring clear communication. This session is designed to equip church leaders with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about Audio, Video and Lighting (A/V/L) systems during the early stages of design and construction.
Innovative & Cost-Effective A/V/L Solutions for your Church or School
Jeff Mathis of Performance Technology Group shares about innovative and cost-effective audio, video, and lighting systems and turn-key services that can transform your worship or performing arts experience. Learn why partnering with an A/V/L provider early in the process is crucial for establishing accurate budget parameters and addressing essential infrastructure needs. By engaging experts at the right time, church leaders can avoid costly changes, minimize disruptions, and ensure that their facilities are ready to support high-quality A/V/L installations when construction is complete.