Salty Church
Ormond Beach, FL
11,585 SF Addition / 8,750 Remodel
Salty Church has experienced steady growth in recent years, and with up to 800 people attending three different Sunday services, the church was in need of expansion to accommodate both the larger worship attendance and the growing children’s ministry. This BGW project centered around the addition of a new worship center with seating for up to 680 people and the renovation of the existing church building of 8,750 SF.
The worship space in the existing building was converted to a new children’s ministry space with secure access and check-in stations. The two buildings are connected by a 2,425 SF covered outdoor patio / breezeway that will become the new central hub / gathering space for the church. The outdoor patio features an information kiosk as well as children’s check-in kiosks. A new Coffee Service station is also positioned between the outdoor patio and the entrance to the new sanctuary.