Creating Community Awareness
As you move forward with the process of constructing a new building for your ministry, do not overlook some very simple ways of building good relationships with your neighbors, subcontractors and other community groups.
Common courtesy and communication—good neighbor traits—will go a long way in keeping the neighbors happy. Spend some time talking to nearby neighbors, hearing their concerns about the project and letting them know what the plan is. Don’t stop with a one time conversation, but return periodically through the project to ensure there haven’t been any problems you weren’t aware of. You may even consider bringing a rendering of the finished project so they can know what to expect.
While it is important to spend time in the neighborhood and going door to door to introduce yourself, you may also find it helpful to host a panel conversation where neighbors can pose their questions or concerns. This may be required by your city as part of attaining a conditional use permit. Bring any questions or concerns you don’t 100% know the answer to back to BGW and we can help you with the right way to address it. The goal isn’t to answer every question immediately, but to make each person feel heard and commit to finding an answer to their question…then following up on your promise! Finally, invite them as special guests to your groundbreaking! If you keep them informed through the process, you may help these neighbors feel more like friends and maybe eventually, members of your church family. Don’t miss the opportunities!
Planning Events
As you consider what the Ministry of Construction looks like for your congregation or school and community, consider the following ideas:
Form an intercessory prayer group to pray specifically and continuously for the project workers
- Ask volunteers to pray at the construction site every day
- Continually thank, praise, and encourage workers daily
- Meet with Sunday School classes at the construction site each week to pray
- Host lunch for the workers on a regular basis
- Share your church or school mission and vision with the workers
- Ask your hospitality team to serve coffee and donuts to the workers
- Invite all of the workers to a gratitude day at your church or school to recognize and thank them
- Commit your teenagers to wash the construction workers’ vehicles each Friday
Please note though, that this is not just about throwing a few parties and that the rest of construction should go along as on any other project. Every aspect of this project should have a sense of being “different” than the world’s way of doing things. That means that even when it comes to paying your contractors and subcontractors, it should be on time, and when a dispute comes up, it should be resolved biblically. May Christ shine through you in every word and deed!
As you begin to plan the events you’ll host throughout the project, big and small, below are a few basic principles:
- Review options for events, whether by looking at what follows and narrowing them down to your favorites, or gathering a group to brainstorm new ideas together
- For each event, assign a primary leader and team
- Select dates and determine budgets
- Have fun and take lots of pictures!
- Share your success with the BGW team
Below are a few event ideas that your congregation or school and community can consider:
Groundbreaking Events
“Break Ground – Break Bread”
Although you may think it would be too difficult to celebrate your groundbreaking by observing the Lord’s Supper, it can be a very special way to begin this event and the construction. Sure, bringing out a full set of communion ware might be hard considering there may be many children and plenty of shovels to step over. Instead, consider using “Remembrance Cups” – purchased online or at your local Bible bookstore – to keep it simple. These double-sealed plastic cups are pre-filled with juice and a separately sealed wafer and serve the purpose well.
“I Can Dig It!”
Let everyone in your church or school take part in this important time! Purchase yellow plastic hard hats from a party supply store and set aside a special time for prayer and worship. Invite a youngster, teenager, college student, middle-aged adult ,and senior to share short prayers and have everyone who can bring a shovel to take part in the groundbreaking. Take family and individual photos on a bulldozer if your builder will allow and arrange it. Serve “Dirt Cups” to the kids!
Dirt Cups
(Serves 8-10)
2 c. cold milk
1 (4 oz) pkg Chocolate instant pudding 1 tub (8 oz) Cool Whip, thawed
1 (16 oz) pkg Oreo cookies, crushed 8-10 (7 oz) plastic cups
Suggested Decorations: Gummy worms, frogs, candy flowers, and chopped nuts.
Pour milk into large bowl. Add pudding mix. Beat with whisk until well blended. Let stand 5 minutes. Stir in whipped topping and half of crushed cookies. Place one tablespoon crushed cookies into cups. Fill cups 3/4 full with pudding mix. Top with remaining crushed cookies. Refrigerate 1 hour. Decorate and serve.
Pray Walk
Consider a Prayer Walk around the outline of the building – stopping to pray at each corner. Pray for the salvation of the construction workers who will work on your project. Pray for the community where you are located to be reached through you. Pray for God’s provision of the necessary finances to complete the building. Pray for God to grow the both the membership of the church or school, but more importantly that He will grow each member spiritually through this process.
Balloon Release
Please be aware that in some communities, local regulations may prohibit this event. Considerations for a Balloon Launch include:
- Use biodegradable latex balloons.
- Hand tie balloons.
- If you must use string, use very short lengths of a natural biodegradable cotton string or Raffia available at most floral supply stores.
- Rather than attaching large or heavy leaflets about your church, consider a small tag with a message from the church.
- Most importantly, keep open lines of communication with your neighbors and reply promptly and properly to any complaints!
Big Valley Christian High School, Modesto, CA
“We had a school-wide chicken barbecue prior to open-house and used this event (the ground-breaking was the motivation for having it) to celebrate the acquisition of our permit, had some keynote speakers, the ceremonial shovel full of dirt being turned (all shovels were painted gold) by the builder, me, elder and school boards, and we had the local paper out for pictures which were in the ‘local’ section of the paper that week. It was a wonderful event.”
Colonial Hills Christian School, Lithia Springs, GA
“For ground breaking we brought in a flatbed and set up a sound system in the space where the new building was to be constructed. We invited parents, board members, chamber members, county officials, our banker, our Christian School Association leaders, church members and alumni to this event. The event was held at 1:30 in the afternoon. We dismissed all student and staff members to this event. The following people spoke for just about 2 minutes each: parent, Christian School Association leader, board member, student, faculty member, builder, headmaster and pastor. We also had one of our students sing a solo. We sang a chorus at the end of the speeches and then gave shovels and a hard hat to each speaker and officially broke ground. Pictures of this event were put in the newspaper and in newsletters. A bulletin board commemorating this event was placed in the hall. The bulletin board was updated as the building progressed. The whole event took about 45 minutes.” -
Holy Graffiti
“Do you really encourage graffiti on your projects?” We certainly do! We encourage writing or painting on the steel, concrete floor–just about anywhere that will eventually be covered up. But what we really encourage is “Holy Graffiti” which is another means of having a witness onsite. The graffiti we are talking about is writing out scripture verses for the workers to see and read. It’s writing “Jesus loves you” and “We pray for you and for your safety” where a worker will see it. Holy Graffiti is also an expression of our faith in God and his goodness to us; expressions of “thankfulness” for God’s provision of a building which we have needed.
A Holy Graffiti event is often a meaningful experience in the lives of the people involved because it is an exciting time. The Bible verses and other spiritual expressions written within this building will be a witness and testimony to the workers today and throughout the construction phase–and will forever be a part of the building itself!
No other event will surprise a worker as much as arriving on site the following day to find scripture verses, words of encouragement and expressions of thankfulness throughout the building! And you can bet he will read them!
Holy Graffiti shouldn’t replace us as the only witness on this project; it should be another tool to reach out to the workers. So, bring your Bible and bring your magic markers and remember God’s word will accomplish His will.
“I came to work tired and discouraged this morning then I walked around the building reading what was written on the walls and beams and floors; it changed my day!” – Worker on a BGW site
Slab Party
With the concrete underfoot – your building starts to take shape! Working with your BGW builder, turn this event into a facility tour to celebrate!
Be creative–this might involve a cookout, and fun and games, praise and worship time, or even a prayer meeting. If the entire slab is poured, ask your BGW builder to mark out some or all of the rooms so members can move from “room to room” praying over the future activities that will take place in each particular room. The biggest caution here is as with all ministry activities–you must work with the builder and only have the event if he can make it a safe event for you!
If you don’t care for the sound of a “Slab Party,” how about a “Service on the Slab?” Here is the story of a BGW project that did just that! This is a special story because this church, led by its godly pastor, had stood by watching their previous church burn to the ground. While it still burned, the pastor encouraged his people that God would be glorified through this trial. It took two years of borrowing and renting space for church and Sunday School classes, but today they had a concrete slab on which to worship!
“The entire slab had not yet been poured, but some of the steel beams had already been set on the portion of floor that was poured. The pulpit area was still red Georgia clay but the remainder of the building did have a completed concrete foundation footing.
We gathered at our regular service time on Sunday evening in May. It was sunny and hot–good ol’ south Georgia weather! Pastor had a lectern set up as close to where the pulpit would eventually be with-out getting off of the slab. Our sound men had our portable sound system set up and running. Most of the congregation was seated in lawn chairs on the portion of the slab that would soon be the sanctuary. Many of us had umbrellas to shade us from the blistering sun rays.
Pastor made the usual church announcements. He then began to point out sections of the build-ing telling us where the nursery, kitchen, fellow-ship hall, gymnasium, music department, teen department, Christian school classrooms, rest-rooms, Administrative offices, entry halls–all things, where they would be located. He then opened the service with a prayer of thanksgiving saying, “We dedicate this portion of the building to the glory of God. We are excited about what You are going to do for us in the days to come.”
After prayer, we sang “Revive Us Again” and one of our deacons led us in prayer after which we received the tithes and offerings and continued with the service by singing “Onward Christian Soldiers.” Pastor asked us to pay special attention to the words of this song because many of them apply to our church today.
One of our ladies provided special music by singing “The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail.” It was funny because as she was singing this particular song, the devil tried to disrupt the service and dishearten us by shutting down the sound system. Although the men worked with it as hard as they could, it wouldn’t come on again until after the service had ended. Pastor told us not to be bothered by it because just as the words of the song had stated, “the gates of hell shall not prevail!” We continued the service without the PA system and God continued to bless!
Pastor then read from Ezra 3:8-11. As the Bible says in verse 11, ‘the foundations of the house of the Lord were laid.’ Pastor asked for and received a hearty ‘Amen’ from the congregation. He then told us, ‘this is God’s work, we are God’s people, and we are going to follow Him. We have no choice, no alternative. We are going to follow Him.”
He continued by saying that we are located on a main highway through Waycross, Georgia and as people pass by they will “see the beautiful building that God has erected here. It is amazing what God is doing for us! Can you feel it? I can feel something. I felt it earlier this afternoon as I walked up and down, back and to on this slab.
Can you feel it? It feels like a steady pulsing–like a heartbeat. You know what that is? That is a heartbeat; the heartbeat of this church! The heartbeat that says our church is alive and well! And church, we are alive and well! God has blessed us mightily!”
Pastor went on to remind us that this past October we had met under the group of pecan trees over on the side of the property and we had a groundbreaking service on a cold, windy, rainy day. Now in just two weeks we will gather again on the slab to write Bible verses on the steel beams as a way to dedicate the building further, and also as a witness to the workers who will be reading the messages and Bible verses.
At the end of the brief message, Pastor appointed men to go and stand in many different parts of the building. He then divided up the congregation to go join those men and hold hands as a group and pray for the building, the construction workers, the congregation, and God’s ministry in our church. As each group finished with their prayer time, they were dismissed from the meeting–although, no one left for quite some time! As one of the people said, ‘It already feels like home!’”
Standing on the World
This is a ceremony in which a Bible is buried in the concrete floor, typically beneath the stage floor. This can also be done as a “Cornerstone” or “foundation” ceremony, where the Bible or even a time capsule is buried in the concrete foundation of the building. The church can also create a plaque or sign to commemorate the ceremony and provide a reminder in the future that the church is “standing on the Word of God”.
Top-Out Celebration
Host a barbecue or picnic to celebrate when the roof and building are fully enclosed (roof and wall sheeting / rough framing are completed).
Car Wash
A car wash is a great way to show appreciation to the workers on our building site. Gather the teenagers and those who still feel like teenagers and get started! Some ministries have offered free onsite oil changes, coupons from local suppliers for free or highly discounted oil change and tire rotation, and even paying for a lucky worker to fill their tank!
“JUNE 3RD: YOUTH CAR WASH: The weather: Low 90s, High Humidity, Overcast and Cloudy with a Light Drizzle. But this didn’t stop our youth! With smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts (OK, so the truth has been stretched just a bit), 12 of our youth arrived on the property around 8:30 a.m. to wash 16 vehicles that belong to our workers. The vehicles received an exterior wash & dry and a good cleaning & vacuuming on the inside, and boy was it needed! The workers were thrilled to have this done. In fact, it was such a success, the youth unanimously agreed to come back again at the end of the month.”
“JUNE 30 TH: YOUTH CAR WASH: The weather: Low 90s, HIGH Humidity, Cloudy to Partly Sunny. Once again, this weather did not stop our youth! With their whistles wet and Carolyn’s direction, the youth were off and washing our worker’s cars at 8:30 a.m. Eight cars, trucks and vans were washed inside and out at the property. Lunch was provided as we found out the last time that some of the workers missed their lunch because we were busy washing their car. So, we decided to treat them. As always, the workers were truly appreciative of our efforts. One worker insisted on giving the kids $20, so the youth had the opportunity to decide what they wanted to do with it. They chose to apply it to the Impact Fee that is needed to move into the building! Do you get the picture that our youth “get it”? Praise God for the heart He has given our youth! By the way, washing eight vehicles doesn’t sound like much, but when it is a work vehicle, you might as well have washed twenty!”
Kid's Connections
Everyone loves little kids, right? So, with proper supervision, let’s allow our kids to be the little charmers they are naturally! You might be asking, “How can our younger kids be a part of the Ministry of Construction?”
How about making “Thank You” cards for the construction workers! It’s amazing to see the appreciation of the workmen for this act of kindness. After posting the cards for a few days, take them down and send a few home with each worker – in this way, we can reach out to his family!
Singing and skits are another way to include our smaller children in ministering to the workers. These are pictures of the 3 year olds that came to a construction site to present a Thanksgiving skit for the men at break time.
The Riverside Kidz Shine Performers were shining for the workers as they acted out performances to The Great Divide by Point of Grace and Shout to the Lord. The workers enjoyed this entertainment on their lunch break as they munched away on Blimpie boxed lunches and Gatorade.
This has been a highly successful form of ministry, especially with the help of licensed hair stylists or barbers from your ministry. One church reports, “Our workers were just that when they were pampered with FREE haircuts on the job site, Chick-Fil-A calendars, refreshing bottled water, and of course a chance to win a $25 Sears gift card. One worker had not had his hair cut in 4 months, another had just had his cut but said ‘Give me a trim,’ another said ‘Give me a crew.’ It wasn’t hard keeping the seats full.”
Operation Construction Worker
…was the idea of the Colonial Hills Christian School project in Lithia Springs, GA. They decided to purchase large Rubbermaid style toolboxes and fill them with items a construction worker would likely use. They included flannel shirts, hats, work gloves and socks in the toolbox which were presented to workers on their site as a Christmas gift! They gave 25 of these gifts out just prior to Christmas. All of the items were donated through the school families.
What a great family project to share with our children! Many additional items could be added to these gifts, some suggestions would be: a hand drawn Christmas card from school children; a seasonal tract; a New Testament; a personal invitation to your church or school Christmas program; some Christmas candy or cookies. Just about anything will work, so let us know what you add!
Safety Barbecue
Host a barbecue on the construction site with a theme of construction site safety.
The story goes that a woman was asked by a co-worker, “What is it like to be a Christian?” She replied, “It is like being a pumpkin. God picks you up from the patch, brings you in and washes all the dirt off of you. Then he cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. and then carves you a new smiling face and puts a light inside of you to shine for all the world to see.”
While some ministries do not believe Halloween should be celebrated and they may not choose to use this illustration, consider that you are using a “Halloween” object as a vehicle to share God’s message.
Look within your church, school or community for a donation or a low cost purchase of pumpkins, one for each worker onsite. Arranging for school kids to participate in this ministry will make it more effective. Let the workers know ahead of time that several children will be carving pumpkins right after a quick lunch (complete with pumpkin pie!) Ask if they would be willing to help the kids.
For safety’s sake, have the workers do the carving and have the worker and child clean the “guts” out together. Instruct them to carve a smiling pumpkin! As they finish, share this illustration with them. You may want to add a few words at the end of it, but keep it simple, short and to the point! You might give them a candle representing Jesus as the Light and tell them that you would be happy to answer any questions, if they want to see you later. Afterwards, have a prepared card ready with the illustration on one side. On the reverse side, it should say “A gift from (organization name here).” Also include a gift tag and let the kids fill this in. Secure it to the stem with a rubber band and present the pumpkins to the workers to take home.
National Day of Prayer
One church writes, “Thursday, May 5th, was National Day of Prayer and El Cinco de Mayo for our Mexican friends. We thought this would be a great day to share the gospel with our friends on the property.
Everyone was blessed to hear the testimony of Doug Norris, translated for the Spanish speakers. Doug shared briefly about his life before Christ and about the day he realized his need for a Savior. Afterwards, Doug was able to spend some extra one on one time with one of the workers who was VERY interested in learning more. Please keep this young man in your prayers! This is what our outreach to our workers is all about.
We concluded the event with our now famous giveaways. In honor of Mother’s Day, each worker received a plant and two lucky winners received gift baskets from Bath and Body Works. We also gave away two gift certificates to Sears and ice cream for everyone. The men are always excited and thankful!
Lastly, we celebrated El Cinco de Mayo by giving all the workers Jarritos (Mexican sodas). Anita and Tina Jablon were able to spend some time talking with our Spanish speaking workers.
It was great to see God beginning to work in the lives of some of our workers. Be praying that the seeds being planted will be nurtured and that God will use these events for His glorious purpose. Pray that the workers will be open to attending our grand opening celebration when the time comes!”
Good Friday
One ministry shared the following story, “On Good Friday, we fed our subcontractors boxed lunches from the Honey Baked Ham Co. and Pastor Tom gave a sermonette titled “Why is Good Friday so Good” in which the Two Ways to Live Gospel presentation was interwoven. Tracts were handed out so the men could follow along. At the end, “Easter Baskets” were given to each man. The looks on their faces were of complete awe. The baskets were actually lunch coolers consisting of an ice pack, candy, plastic eggs filled with scripture verses, Easter cards from our grade-schoolers and adult small groups, and a book written by John Piper, The Passion Of The Christ.
On Thursday, we gave a Honey Baked Ham to our contractor and site coordinator. Our event on the property was successful in many ways. The men were appreciative of what we did for them (in fact one of them said this was the best worksite he’s ever worked), we received 1 free boxed lunch from our order, and we also were able to pay for this without dipping into funds set aside for this type of ministry. Thank you to all of our small groups for allowing God to use them to make this possible! These subcontractors are partners with us in building our new facility. Praise God for allowing us to touch them during this Easter season.”
In God We Trust
Another ministry shared, “What an incredible event! We found out the night prior that a team of workers did not speak a word of English. Praise God for making a way for Anita Fernandez to translate for us at a last minute notice. Jeremiah laid out a wonderful testimony about how we as people place our trust in each other only to be let down, but told of the One who is always trustworthy. His personal testimony about learning this glorious truth was well received and beautifully translated. Each worker received an “In God We Trust” tract, a Riverside 30-day devotional, an ice cream sandwich and a fresh, crisp, new $50 bill was given away. Please pray that God would use these tools handed out to minister to these men.”
Cookie Day
One group shared, “Our WOW/MOM ladies had a great time baking cookies and packaging them for our workers. Yes, we’ll admit, maybe a few cookies were eaten along the way. In total, over 80 dozen cookies were baked! Thank you Moms!!! Each worker received a Home Depot apron that was neatly packaged with two dozen cookies baked with love, a card from one of our children, and a note of encouragement from the WOW/MOM ladies. Several moms and their children delivered the cookies to the workers who were once again, thrilled with our gesture. Please continue to pray that our workers would see Christ’s love behind everything we do for them.”
Daylight Savings Time
The shift of time may be a great opportunity to encourage the workers. Consider serving breakfast with hot coffee and offering a Snickers, Power Bar, nuts, or gum to help them get through the day!
Hard Hat Name Collection
A Celebration event at the completion of the project is a great time to personally thank everyone who has been an important part of this time of our lives. It’s also another opportunity to share Jesus Christ with the worker and their loved ones.
Let’s face it, if we send an invitation to the contractor offices, a few owners may show up – and that’s great, but, to even have a chance for a laborer to attend, we have to specifically and personally invite him. The best way we have seen this done so far, is to collect each worker’s name each week that he is onsite. Now, this isn’t just going to happen; a worker is not likely to just hand over his name, address and phone number without a reason. Telling him that you want to invite him back for an event probably won’t get it done either. So, what do we suggest? Give them a reason to want you to have this information!
Several churches have successfully collected the worker’s names by having a drawing each time there was a ministry lunch. One church pulled a name from a hard hat and the selected worker was given a $30 American Express Gift Card. Suddenly the workers are anxious to give you the information! This church collected worker information every week and pulled a winning name each week at lunchtime. When invited, some of these workers returned for the Grand Opening celebration!
Another church also held a hard hat drawing and gave away miscellaneous tools and other small gifts. One week they gave away a fifty dollar bill! As a result, this church was able to send invitations – for a two-hour dinner cruise – to more than 150 workers who had worked on their project! Now, only sixteen workers replied to the invitation; and, only ten of those sixteen actually attended the dinner cruise. But those ten and their loved ones were once again thanked for the work they performed; and most importantly, they heard the gospel again.
Big Valley Christian High School, Modesto, CA
“We have been serving lunch to our construction crew every Thursday since we began construction in August. The early days of feeding 10 guys for lunch are a distant memory as we have served 40-45 men the last several weeks. It is such a blessing to see the appreciation on the guys faces as we serve them a simple meal. We always gather the guys around and say thank you and pray over the food along with a prayer for God’s continued protection over their work. Several weeks ago, one of the mom’s who brought a part of the meal engaged one of the men in conversation, and by the end of lunch had invited him to attend church. I was so excited that God had allowed her that opportunity to at least invite Danny. A few days later I was out at the construction site giving the church pastor’s a tour. Danny, who had attended church services that Sunday (PTL), recognized the preaching pastor and came up and introduced himself. Danny said, “Hi, my name is Danny and I enjoyed the service Sunday. I just want you to know that you changed my mind about abortion.” The sermon had been on the sanctity of human life. This was such a victory! Danny has since brought his teenage son to services and has attended our early morning men’s group. One of the leaders from the men’s group has connected with him and is taking him out to breakfast once a week. We are praying for Danny’s salvation, and that he might bring other workers along with him to church or the men’s group.”
Colonial Hills Christian School, Lithia Springs, GA
Ed Mayes, Rainwater Construction’s site superintendent, shares the following, “During a church provided lunch, a “Salvation” video was played, followed by testimonies from a few senior high school students. Videos were then made available for anyone who wanted a copy. Ed had noticed the worker sitting opposite him had tears welling up in his eyes. Ed took the opportunity to gently speak with him. Although he left unsaved, this same worker when greeted by Ed on Monday stated that he had committed his life to Jesus. When asked, this worker says he now knows that he is saved! Ed is now working to help this worker grow in Christ.”
Pray Without Ceasing
A prayer team is another effective witness to the workers on your project. This is not a time to hide in our prayer closets, but rather a time to be seen. Why not schedule a group who will meet onsite for prayer at an appointed time each day or week? Consider meeting in the morning at the time workers are to begin arriving at the site; however, because this is a visible witness, consistency is key in this outreach!
Got Milk? How About Coffee?
Isn’t it nice when you enter a restaurant and a hostess immediately greets you with a warm smile and a friendly “hello”? Why not offer the same to the workers who are invited guests at your property?
Maybe you have a group of grandparents or a senior group who could plan to welcome the workers with hot coffee, hot water and cocoa packets during the cool mornings. Offering a warm drink and an even warmer smile and a greeting such as, “Good morning, we are glad to have you here today” will help get anyone’s day off to a good start!
Four Corners of Prayer
Another activity of the prayer team is a perimeter prayer walk, stopping to pray at the four corners of the building. Suggested items of prayer would include the following:
- Pray for the stability of your church or school and its leader and membership during the construction of this building.
- Pray for the organizations finances related to the construction and operation.
- Pray for the salvation and safety of the workers onsite. Pray for the opportunity to show and share God’s love through the ministry of construction.
- Pray for the community that is watching as your building is built. Pray that they will be drawn to it and that you will welcome them to join you.
Onsite Prayer Box
Don’t forget to place signs around the construction site telling workers that you are daily praying for their safety. Secure a mailbox and prayer request cards in an area where a worker can access them without drawing undue attention. It’s important that he feels comfortable that he can slip a request in the box without being ridiculed by another worker. Free tracts and Bibles can be offered in this same manner.
Prayer Vigil
A prayer vigil is a great opportunity for us as Christians to grow in our relationship with God. Whether 24, 12, or 8 hours, we encourage you to include at least one prayer vigil into the time of your construction. Post a sign ahead of time so the workers will know what you will be doing – and ask your BGW builder to participate with you during this event!
A prayer vigil is usually prepared by a group of people who set it up to make sure someone is always praying. Vigils are often planned to lift a specific matter of prayer before God. To start the vigil, someone has to want it passionately enough to get 8 or more people to commit at the start. (These early joiners help shape and lead the vigil.) This group must decide what the vigil’s focus will be, and stick to it. Once that is done, it’s a good idea to prepare a written guide that tells what a vigil is (assume others do not know), what the purpose of this vigil is, how long it will run, and how they can take part in it. Also, it should tell them who to talk to about it. Have one focal place for the vigil, where people know they can go to be a part of it. This place can be a sanctuary, a prayer chapel, or even an outdoor site. The place must be fairly quiet, worshipful, and easy to get to. Many can be there at any one time, but there should always be someone there for the entire vigil. Encourage those who can’t make it there to pray at home, according to the guide’s schedule.
One last note, a two- to three-hour event is not a vigil, but a concert of prayer event or a long prayer meeting. To state the obvious: a vigil takes vigilance. (A portion of the prayer vigil information above has been copied from: http://www.spirithome.com/paripray2.html.)
An eighteen hour prayer vigil beginning at 6 p.m. on a Friday night and concluding at noon on Saturday provides ample time for most work and school schedules to fit within. Along with prepared prayer lists (which might vary and rotate by the hour), it is wise to prepare a hospitality area where participants can help themselves to juice, coffee, water, cookies or whatever refreshments you might decide upon.
Certificate of Occupancy
Riverside Fellowship shares, “At 9:00 a.m. on Monday of this week we were told that it would take a miracle for us to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy by this weekend because of the impending Labor Day weekend. At this point we still had issues with plumbing, landscaping and site work. Our site work developer said all issues pertaining to him would be taken care of by Wednesday. They were taken care of by Tuesday. We were then told that we COULD NOT get another inspection this week but our site engineer, Coastal Design, stepped in by contacting the county. The county agreed to come out as long as there were significant changes as they did not want this inspection to be a waste of their time, hence the urgent call for help during the middle of the week. The People of Riverside answered the call and completed all necessary work relating to the issues concerning the site.
But…we still had issues with the plumbing: a urinal had to be moved 1 inch and we had to replace 6 aerators in the sinks. Our plumbers said that the closest place to get these parts was Orlando and the supply house would not overnight them to us. Praise God for Chuck Murphy who stopped at every plumbing supply house in Pasco on his way to the site on Friday morning. The last place he stopped had exactly what we needed. The plumbing inspection was passed at 2:30 on Friday afternoon.
Meanwhile on Thursday at 4:00 p.m. we were again told that there was not ANY way to get another site inspection to clear the remaining 2 critical items on the list (a sign designating a parking space for a compact car and sidewalk cuts in the handicapped parking areas). Chuck Murphy called the county requesting the final inspection. The inspector was here around 9:00 Friday morning and passed the last 2 remaining items.
Still, there were 2 documents which needed to be signed by Coastal Design. The person who needed to sign these documents was out of the office due to a family emergency. But…our God is always in control. This person happened to stop by the office to take care of any emergencies, one of which was ours. We picked up the documents at 1:30 p.m. and took them to the county along with the necessary payments. Upon completion of the plumbing inspection, Chuck Murphy also delivered those documents to the county as well. 24 hours after we were told that there was no chance of getting our Certificate of Occupancy, we were handed our official Certificate of Occupancy at 4:00 p.m. on Friday. Who says that God no longer performs miracles? All Glory to the One Who is in Sovereign Control!”
Four Days of Celebration
How will you celebrate and dedicate the completion of your building? Here is how one BGW project planned for a Grand Opening. This project planned to celebrate and thank each of the different groups of people who worked to make their project a success.
Although most projects will not go to this extreme to celebrate their opening, I would encourage you to learn from this example and be certain to include everyone who has been involved in your project!
Thursday: Host a Chamber of Commerce lunch with the Mayor in attendance for a ribbon cutting ceremony. This is where we will invite all the government agencies that have been involved in the project. Besides a catered lunch, we will offer tours of the completed facility and a presentation telling who we are and sharing our mission. We will also allow the other chamber members to have a table for their use if they would like – this helps get them to commit to attending. We hope to have the local business and government entities see us as a resource to help them instead of just another large building that they drive by frequently.
Friday: Host a dinner for the construction workers. Include child care, entertainment, and recognition for those in attendance. Since the beginning we have talked to each group as we provided a ministry lunch; we have asked the workers for their names and addresses so we can mail a special invitation to their family.
Saturday: Host a community open house with free hotdogs, soda, etc. We will do this during the day so we can have the evening free to prepare the building for Sunday services. We will offer open tours with members at various locations throughout the building to talk about the different areas of the church and the programs we have to offer our guests and community. We will also have a video loop running that tells about what we believe and why we believe it. We will also hold some kind of drawing to help entice people to visit.
Sunday: This is what we are calling our family day. We started this project last May with a church potluck and that is how we would like to end it. The entire day, including our services, will be focused on gratitude for our Lord’s work. We will recognize all of our volunteers. We will also be inviting all local pastors and their families to join us in the afternoon as we celebrate. At the end we will have a dedication time for the building and dedicate it to the work of the Lord.
Big Valley Christian High School, Modesto, CA
“We had an after church service ‘Open House/Dedication’ for about an hour and a half Sunday afternoon. We all gathered in front of the building, made some appropriate comments, and then had the senior pastor give a dedicatory prayer. This was followed by the doors being thrown open for everyone to take a tour of the facility – lunch was provided. We stationed key people in strategic locations throughout the building to share with our guests how that particular part of the building would be used. This was a wonderful event.”
Colonial Hills Christian School, Lithia Springs, GA
“The dedication for the new building was held on a Sunday morning in conjunction with the [church] service. We were naming the building after a former pastor and founder of the school. He was in the service. Several spoke briefly: Headmaster, Chairman of Deacons (board member), and Pastor. Afterward, the building was opened for tours and refreshments. It was a very moving service.”
Calendar of Events
The calendar of events is a tool to assist you in your Ministry of Construction efforts. Many ministries find it effective in helping them to think outside of the box and becoming creative in reaching out to the construction workers building their new facilities. The items listed vary from silly to sincere – find something that fits who you are and that you can be comfortable doing. Do not try to do too many events in any one-month! Use one or two of these events during lunch or break time; the rest of the items can be used as “ice-breakers” or conversation starters when talking with the construction workers.
You can help play an important role in encouraging other ministries by sharing your stories and photos of ministry taking place on your project. We would also like to hear how you use these events or others that you create yourself.
Other Ideas
National Blood Donor Month – schedule a blood donor drive on site (a perfect way to share about Jesus “giving His blood”)
1 – New Year’s Day
3 – National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day
4 – National Spaghetti Day
15 – National Bagel Day – brings bagels to the workers on site
18-23 National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week
19 – National Popcorn Day
20 – Martin Luther King Day (observed)
23 – National Pie Day – consider serving pie at lunch, or send a pie home with the workers
23 – (1957) The first Frisbee by Wham-O was produced. Order promotional Frisbees for give-away.
24 – National Compliment Day – keep ‘em real!
27 – National Chocolate Cake Day
31 – Inspire Your Heart with Art Day – display student’s work as an Art Show for the workers! -
National Hot Breakfast Month – serve a hot breakfast to the workers this month!
National Cherry Month
Youth Leadership Month
2 – Groundhog Day
3 – National Carrot Cake Day
7 – Bubble Gum Day
9 – National Pizza Day & Super Bowl Sunday
11 – National Shut-In Visitation Day – visit a worker’s shut-in family member
11 – Be Electrific Day – celebrate the electricians on site
14 – Valentine’s Day – send each worker home with a sampler size box of chocolates and a rose for his loved one or consider having kids make Valentines and brownies to hand out to the workers!
17-23 National Pancake Week
24 – National Tortilla Chip Day
27 – National Chili Day – are you planning to serve chili onsite today? -
American Red Cross Month
Music in our Schools Month – have a children’s group entertain during lunchtime
National Peanut Month
1 – (1949) “Believe It or Not! TV Series premiered. Refer to a Ripley’s Believe It or Not book for unusual “facts” – finish with “Believe It or Not” Bible facts and the salvation story.
1-7 National Write a Letter of Appreciation Week – thank your workers on site!
7 – World Day of Prayer
9 – Daylight Savings Time begins
11 – World Plumbing Day – Celebrate and thank the plumber working on your project
14 – Pi Day (3.14159265….)
17 – St. Patrick’s Day
18 – National Sloppy Joe Day – what are we serving at lunch today?
20 – First Day of Spring
24 – National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
25 – (1996) the newly redesigned $100 bill went into circulation – give one away! -
National Soft Pretzel Month
Jazz Appreciation Month
National Car Car Month – think “Contractor Car Care” – ask local businesses to provide Free Service Coupons for Oil Changes, Tire Rotations, etc. Also, wash the worker’s cars and trucks
National Kite Month
5 – National Deep Dish Pizza Day
6 – (1909) North Pole Discovered – meet me at the “north pole” (column) for an ice cream bar!
7 – No Housework Day – volunteers clean the work site today! Only with approval from the GC!
13 – Palm Sunday
15 – (1955) the First McDonalds Opened – serve McDonalds for lunch today
18 – Good Friday
20 – Easter Sunday – one of two holidays when some people will go to church – don’t miss inviting the workers!
21 – Kindergarten Day – have Kindergarten classes entertain the workers or show appreciation during lunch today
22 – (1864) Coins first stamped “In God We Trust” – pass out coins to each worker and explain what it means why we trust in God!
23 – Administrative Professionals Day – recognize and thank your General Contractor’s Administrative personnel for their contribution to your project.
25 – Plumbers Day
26 – National Pretzel Day
30 – National Honesty Day – celebrating honesty and those who are honest and honorable in their dealings with others. -
National Barbecue Month
National Hamburger Month
National Salsa Month
National Smile Month – gather “the crew” together for a photo
Strike Out Strokes Month – provide stroke prevention literature1 – May Day
2-8 – National Family Week
4 – National Teacher Day – ask teachers to share with the workers what a new facility will mean to them as a teacher.
5 – Cinco de Mayo, National Hoagie Day, and Great American Grump Out Day – let’s keep the workers from getting grumpy by showing our appreciation again today!
6 – also National Day of Prayer – ask the workers how you can pray for them!
8 – National Miniature Golf Day
9 – Mother’s Day
15 – National Pizza Party Day and National Chocolate Chip Day – pizza for lunch!
17 – Armed Forces Day
23 – Neighbor Day – plan a special day for inviting neighbors in to see the progress of the building.
31 – Memorial Day -
National Iced Tea Month
National Safety Month – “Catch” the workers being safe. Awards at the end of the month.
National Candy Month1 – National Donut Day
2 – National Rocky Road Ice Cream Day
6 – National Yo-Yo Day – give workers a Yo-Yo imprinted with the church name and logo.
7 – National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
12 – National Peanut Butter Cookie Day
13-19 – National Flag Week
14 – National Flag Day and National Strawberry Shortcake Day
15 – Electricity Day celebrating Benjamin Franklin discovering electricity – Do something to celebrate the electricians on site!
19 – World Juggling Day
20 – Father’s Day
20-26 – Appreciate Your Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Professionals Week
27 – (1859) Happy Birthday to the song “Happy Birthday To You” – have birthday cake and celebrate everyone’s birthday today! -
National Purposeful Parenting Month – Provide a parenting book to all interested workers. National Ice Cream Month
National Hot Dog Month
National Baked Bean Month
National Blueberries Month
National Grilling Month
Air Conditioning Appreciation Days – Thank your HVAC installers!4 – U.S. Independence Day!
6 – National Fried Chicken Day
9 – National Sugar Cookie day
12 – National Pecan Pie Day
13 – National French Fries Day
18 – National Ice Cream Day
20 – National Lollipop Day
25 – Parents Day
29 – National Chili Dog Day and Lasagna day -
National Peach Month
National Harvest Month
National Golf Month – host a putting contest and give away church or school shirts1 – Friendship Day
2 – National Ice Cream Sandwich Day and National Ice Cream Soda Day
3 – National Night Out – Although intended as a night to build neighborhood relationships, you might offer “a night out” to the worker and their guest. It could be an evening of provided entertainment or an evening of no cost childcare provided by the church.
3 – National Watermelon Day – slice up a cold one at break time!
4 – National Lasagna Day
8 – Dollar Day, the day the U.S. dollar was created.
8-14 – Don’t Wait, Celebrate! Week – don’t wait until the building is complete, celebrate past and present accomplishments!
10 – S’mores Day
11 – Play in the Sand Day – honor the excavator on site for “playing in the sand!”
13 – Left-handers Day
13-15 – Kool-Aid Days
14 – National Creamsicle Day and National Marshmallow Toasting Day
15 – Best Friend’s Day
19 – National Soft Ice Cream Day, Root Beer Float Day, and Potato Day
23 – National Plumber’s Day
24 – National Waffle Day
25 – National Banana Split Day
26 – National Dog Day
28 National Dream Day celebrating the Martin Luther King Jr., “I have a dream” speech. This day might be used to once again share your dream with the workers. -
National Chicken Month
National Honey Month
Self-Improvement Month5 – National Cheese Pizza Day
5-11 – National Waffle Week
6 – Labor Day
7 – National Grandparents Day
11 – Patriot’s Day – arrange for a local VFW Chapter to Present Colors at the beginning of the day.
12 – National Chocolate Milkshake Day –make milkshakes or serve a Wendy’s Frosty!
13 – is Positive Thinking Day and Fortune Cookie Day – Scripture Fortune Cookies can be purchased online!
14 – National Cream-Filled Doughnut Day
17 – National POW?MIA Recognition Day
18 – National Play-Doh Day and National Cheeseburger Day
18 – International Eat An Apple Day
19 – National Neighborhood Day – another day to invite the neighborhood in to see the progress. Create a Press Release for the local newspapers.
19 – also International Talk Like a Pirate Day
21 – World Gratitude Day
22 – Ice Cream Cone Day
25 – National Hunting & Fishing Day
26 – National Good Neighbor Day and National Pancake Day – serve an early breakfast today.
28 – National Strawberry Cream Pie Day -
National Chili Month
National Construction Toy Month
National Cookie Month
National Popcorn Poppin’ Month
Cookbook Month – Ask each worker to provide his favorite recipe. Create a recipe book to give them. Or, give each worker a copy of your church recipe book.1 – World Smile Day
2 – World Card Making Day – have elementary school kids make cards for the workers.
3-9 – Fire Prevention Weeky
5 – World Teachers Day
10 – National Angel Food Cake Day
11 – Columbus Day
11-15 – National School Lunch Week – invite a class to have lunch with the workers.
17 – Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day
23 – Make a Difference Day
27 – National Potato Day
28 – National Chocolate Day
30 – National Forgiveness Day
31 – Halloween Day -
I Am So Thankful Month
Peanut Butter Lover’s Month2 – Election Day – VOTE!
3 – Sandwich Day
4 – Candy Day
5 – National Men Make Dinner Day and National Doughnut Day
6 – Saxophone Day and National Nachos Day
8-15 – World Kindness Week
9 – Young Readers Day
11 – Veterans Day
12 – National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day
13 – World Kindness Day – celebrate with random acts of kindness today
14 – Loosen Up. Lighten Up Day – a day to remind people of all the benefits of joy and laughter. Consider Psalm 16:11 and Proverbs 17:22
14 – National Guacamole Day and National American Teddy Bear Day
15 – America Recycles Day
17 – Homemade Bread Day
18 – National Great American Smoke out Day
20 – National Family Volunteer Day
21 – Pumpkin Pie Day and World Hello Day
21-28 – National Family Week, National Game and Puzzle Week, National Bible Week – consider giving a new Bible to each worker on site as a gift!
25 – Thanksgiving Day
28 – National French Toast Day -
National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month – arrange a presentation from a local MADD Chapter or local Police/EMS Department
Safe Toys and Gifts Month
National Tie month1 – (1891) the game of Basketball was invented – anyone for a lunchtime pick-up game?
1-7 – Cookie Cutter Week – bake up a batch of cookies for the workers!
2 – (1982) First Permanent Artificial Heart Transplant – God can change a worker’s heart
4 – Extraordinary Work Team Recognition Day and Coats and Toys for Kids Day
7 – National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, anniversary of the founding of the National Fire Safety Council – celebrate the fire sprinkler workers today – National Cotton Candy Day, and Letter Writing Day
8 – National Brownie Day
9 – National Pastry Day
12 – Poinsettia Day – send a poinsettia home with the workers today.
13 – Ice Cream & Violins Day
14 – (1911) South Pole Discovered – meet me at the “south pole” (column) for an ice cream bar!
15 – Bill of Rights Day and National Lemon Cupcake day
17 – Wright Brothers Day, National Maple Syrup Day, and Underdog Day celebrating all the underdogs and unsung heroes
19 – National Hard Candy Day
21 – National Flashlight Day – Let There Be Light! Hand out promotional flashlights and share the Light of Jesus today!
21 – First Day of Winter
24 – Christmas Eve
25 – Christmas Day
26 – National Candy Cane Day
27 – Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day
31 – New Year’s Eve and Make Up Your Mind Day – Isn’t it time to make that spiritual decision?